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Meetings > Previous Meetings > December 2002 > Report


The new Iyonix RISC OS 5 computer
Jack Lillingston (Managing Director, Castle Technology Ltd)
Monday 16th December 2002, 7:45pm

December meeting report

It was good to see so many of you at ROUGOL's Iyonix demonstration; I believe it was the best turnout we've had for quite a few months.

Apologies to those of you who had to stand at the back (and even on tables), however it was good to see a nice large screen presentation working pretty flawlessly for once, and we even managed to start on time! The last few stragglers finally left the venue at about 1am, by which point Jack Lillingston had sold all of the Iyonix systems he brought with him - quite impressive considering they were all the higher specced 512MB versions.

Neil Spellings gave us an update on the Aemulor software add-on that allows "old" 26-bit software to work correctly on the Iyonix even if the authors haven't converted it. Unfortunately the floppy disk with demo software was faulty. However, as Neil is a ROUGOL committee member and regular visitor, we hope to devote a full meeting to Aemulor/Iyonix at some point in the future.

Many thanks to all those who helped with storage, signs, name badges, wine, equipment moving and other things, and also to everyone who donated hardware for use with ROUGOL's own Risc PC. These items will be re-appearing at the January meeting to be fitted together.

It was also good to see older unused RISC OS hardware passed on to ROUGOL members eager to make use of it; if you have miscellaneous hardware lying around that's so obscure you're not even sure what it is, do bring it along to a meeting and we'll see if we can find a use for it.

As ROUGOL never holds Annual General Meetings, we took this opportunity to vote quickly on two proposals:

  • The members present voted unanimously to spend approximately 75ukp of ROUGOL's funds (currently over 200ukp in total) upgrading the club computer to RISC OS 4 (which will also allow a subsequent upgrade to RISC OS Select)
  • On a lighter note, they also voted by a large majority that "ROUGOL" should be pronounced with the first syllable rhyming with "boo", rather than with "row". I will probably forget this regularly...


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